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Adidas trainers close up on a tennis court

Exercises to Avoid with Postpartum Diastasis Recti

We are looking at the ab killer for new mums, diastasis recti Congratulations! You have your little bundle of joy (this could be recent, a few months or even years ago) and you’re loving being a mummy. The one thing that you may now be feeling is that when you look in the mirror all […] Read more…

Priorities as a Parent

Setting Priorities as a Parent

Recently my husband and I had an argument (I know it happens) but actually, although I hate to admit it, he’s right (it had to happen some time!) It had something to do with setting priorities as a parent.  As a rule I like to be busy and take on a lot of commitments – […] Read more…

white background with party supplies and notebook on

Parent Party Planning For A 6 Year Old

Parent party planning, how not to do it, plus some things I actually learned, tips, tricks and ideas for the future.  There are certain moments in your life that you realise you are out of your depth. This is one of them. Unfortunately I am not an event planner, otherwise, this post would be irrelevant […] Read more…

cute baby hiding under a blanket how to suppress breast milk feature image

How To Suppress Breast Milk Supply

Say what?! yes you heard correctly, this post is going to discuss how to suppress breast milk supply after breastfeeding I frequently see posts on increasing breast milk supply but that doesn’t always apply to everyone (and it certainly didn’t for me.) With my first, he basically drank me dry but with my second it’s […] Read more…

7 towers of pound coins displayed on a white background going upwards like a graph from left to right

How To Decide On Pocket Money Amounts

Pocket money! It’s hard to get an “industry standard” so I’ve looked to others for help! The little guy is shortly turning 6 and has started to become more interested in buying things, leading us to try and teach him about earning his own money. When I was younger, I remember having to do chores […] Read more…

grow with me 3 in 1 activity gym and ball pit review

Grow With Me 3-In-1 Activity Gym & Ball Pit Review

Little Miss is loving her activity gym and ball pit already! This being our second child we have sort of done away with all the fancy toys and equipment this time around, we didn’t really need or use much last time so we have saved our money this time. Yay for being frugal! But with […] Read more…

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