
home baby proofing tips feature image

Home Baby Proofing Tips for First Time Parents!

Home baby proofing tips spring to mind when you’re pregnant. But the first thing I’ll say is, you have time! When you’re expecting, you start reading all the baby books and suddenly the house seems like an unsafe place and you start to feel a little (more) unprepared! But honestly, while it’s important it’s actually not […] Read more…

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How To Suppress Breast Milk Supply

Say what?! yes you heard correctly, this post is going to discuss how to suppress breast milk supply after breastfeeding I frequently see posts on increasing breast milk supply but that doesn’t always apply to everyone (and it certainly didn’t for me.) With my first, he basically drank me dry but with my second it’s […] Read more…

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Pregnant and…Overdue

My due date has been and gone meaning I am now Pregnant and…Overdue I recently did a pregnancy series; “Pregnant and…” which I really enjoyed doing but little did I know that I would still be pregnant 3 weeks later (and no I am not amused!) so I thought I would add to that original […] Read more…

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Pregnant and…Parenting

Let’s talk about the obvious! In the last trimester, I have been Pregnant and…Parenting, and it has been hard! The joy of 5-year-olds is that one minute they are angels sent down to put a smile on your face, make you laugh and smother you with cuddles! Other days they are demon spawn sent to […] Read more…

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Pregnant and…NOT Nesting

Renovating our new house so close to the due date has meant this time around I’m Pregnant and… NOT Nesting When we moved house 6 months ago, I was already pregnant and we decided that would be the best time to do some of the major building work to our house. Before the baby comes. […] Read more…

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Pregnant and…Tired

If you’re tired, you sleep right? Wrong. Instead, pregnancy is apparently all about being Pregnant and…Tired I already wrote a lack of pregnancy sleeping rant back in my second trimester and the lack of sleep seems to be a continuous trend throughout this pregnancy. Let’s hope it’s not a sign of what is to come! […] Read more…

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