
5 Ways to Make Bath Time More Enjoyable for Your Child

Let’s be real with each other for a moment. Bath time isn’t always the most enjoyable time of the day for children or parents. Children tend to fight bath time for many different reasons, and as parents, it’s up to us to try to figure out a way. Do they not like water? Do they […] Read more…

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Home Baby Proofing Tips for First Time Parents!

Home baby proofing tips spring to mind when you’re pregnant. But the first thing I’ll say is, you have time! When you’re expecting, you start reading all the baby books and suddenly the house seems like an unsafe place and you start to feel a little (more) unprepared! But honestly, while it’s important it’s actually not […] Read more…

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How To Suppress Breast Milk Supply

Say what?! yes you heard correctly, this post is going to discuss how to suppress breast milk supply after breastfeeding I frequently see posts on increasing breast milk supply but that doesn’t always apply to everyone (and it certainly didn’t for me.) With my first, he basically drank me dry but with my second it’s […] Read more…

grow with me 3 in 1 activity gym and ball pit review

Grow With Me 3-In-1 Activity Gym & Ball Pit Review

Little Miss is loving her activity gym and ball pit already! This being our second child we have sort of done away with all the fancy toys and equipment this time around, we didn’t really need or use much last time so we have saved our money this time. Yay for being frugal! But with […] Read more…

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