Getting to school safely is important and for us, this means walking (sometimes involuntarily running!) Yay, we made it through the first half of the term, we’ve settled into our new school and honestly the little guy is loving it. I’m still not driving (yes, yes I know!) so we’ve moved on from finding ways […] Read more…
Tick Truths
During #CatWeek 2015 we discussed all about the flea! In keeping with last year’s layout I figured we would stick to the parasites and discuss it’s distant cousin, the tick. Fleas aren’t the only problem that can plague cats and unfortunately we have had to remove a tick or two in our time! Here are […] Read more…
Saving on School Uniform Costs
SO, we just got the school uniform list for the little chap starting in September and boy is it an expensive lot! Don’t get me wrong, I totally understand the need for most of it but going on the school shop it works out at about £180 which is a little out of budget for […] Read more…
7 Ways to Eat Healthy When You’re Broke
Let’s be honest, we have all been there… No cash and struggling to make ends meet until payday! When our son was first born and I stopped working, we lost an entire income, this meant that we really struggled to make ends meet and I am not ashamed to say so! Since we didn’t really […] Read more…
Popular games played by Ancient-Egyptian children
*Sponsored Post* For this post, let’s take advantage of the “Mummy” in The Mummy Toolbox and go back in time to actual buried mummies, let’s talk about Ancient Egypt culture for a bit, particularly the toys and games that their children had the luxury of playing with. Ancient Egypt was one of the most civilized regions in […] Read more…
Life-Changing Tips to Save Money
Who doesn’t love to save money? I definitely do, and I will take whatever advice I can get. That is why I was delighted by Sophia’s guest post and wanted to share with you all some of Sophia’s life-changing tips to get you started if you are strapped for cash like many families are! *Guest […] Read more…
How To Detox Skin Naturally Without Products
Detox skin naturally without spending fortunes on the latest products, fads or crazes! Skin Breakouts and spots are something that we all have to deal with at one time or another and although there are loads of products out there that can help, there are some ways that you can naturally reduce the likelihood of […] Read more…
Overcoming Grief With A Pet Loss Counsellor
Pet loss is something I have been fortunate not to deal with much, however, I know a lot of people who have and I am constantly reminded about the harsh realities of having pets (especially with cats who go outside). I thought it was important to consider how to deal with the grief of losing […] Read more…
10 Alternative Uses For Nail Varnish (that actually work!)
Proving that nail varnish is pretty and practical! These quirky alternative uses are why everyone (boys and girls) should have nail polish on hand! I love my nail varnish! I have an entire shelf of pretty (read: cabinet) of colours, glitter, pens and add-ons to suit whatever mood or occasion that strikes but nail varnish […] Read more…
Help With Vet Bill Affordability
We all the know the feeling of the dreaded vet bill, it is probably going to cost more than a deposit on a car and it’s essential. There are many ways to make your vet bills more affordable or to afford emergency veterinary treatment. *Please note that all charities have their limits so only use […] Read more…