Our bodies become susceptible to common infections as temperatures drop. It is not unheard of that a neighbour or an officemate caught the flu or at least has a runny nose because the low temperature naturally triggers our bodies to slow down to conserve more energy and heat. But it likewise encourages the proliferation and […] Read more…
11 Perfect Healthy Snacks for Work
Hitting the gym after work? the kids have got a club to go to? or do you just have an extremely long day? Snacking regularly can stop you from overeating during meals and keeps you from those horrible hunger cravings! You should have 2 small snacks a day (excuses to eat? you’re welcome). The best […] Read more…
5 Reasons Pets Are Good for Your Mental Health
Pets have been a long-time companion to humans. They offer friendship, love, compassion, and a bit of happiness on the gloomiest of days. Recent research would also tell you that pets are beneficial for our mental health as well. Who needs research to know that our pets bring so much to the table other than […] Read more…
Pregnant and…Alone
The husband has to work and this has meant that I have been Pregnant and…Alone Due to work, the husband has had to go on two trips during this pregnancy to New York and both of them have been at 34 and 36 weeks respectively. The 5 hour time difference makes it hard to stay […] Read more…
Pregnant and…Fat
Yep I said it, I am Pregnant and…Fat I know, I know, “i’m not fat, I’m pregnant” thanks but unfortunately it isn’t true! Yes I am growing a human being and of course I feel bigger and more uncomfortable because I am near the end. This is not my first rodeo. Unfortunately however I am […] Read more…
Pregnant and…Melting
England has decided that it actually likes summer so… because it is June, we are in a heatwave, therefore, I am Pregnant and…Melting I wish I was this goddess in the feature image, on the beach, embracing the bump in the sunshine, however, I am a sweaty, massive, disgusting mess. I am also a traditional Brit, if […] Read more…
25 DIY Homemade Bath Products
After Christmas I got a lot of bath stuff (yay) which got me thinking about making my own homemade bath products! I am a bath lover, usually because I wallow with a good book which means I love bath smellies of all kinds; soaps, body wash, bath bombs, scrubs, you name it I want it. […] Read more…
A Basic Meal Prep Introduction
Meal Prep can be intimidating, especially with all the social media hashtags, fitness guru’s and all-round health nuts but what does it actually mean and how can it help you? Meal prep isn’t just for the super fit and elite, everyday mums and dads can use it to stay on top of their lifestyle and […] Read more…
How To Exercise At A Local Park
Just because you are taking your kids to the local park doesn’t mean you can’t use it to exercise! *This post contains affiliate links, find out more about our Affiliate policy here. It’s important to mix things up a bit and use what you have in front of you because when exercising outdoors you can […] Read more…
What to Freeze For Easier Meal Planning
Meal planning is the only way we get decent meals in this house, otherwise, we don’t have time and we end up buying takeout! For us, meal planning and prep helps to keep us on track with eating healthier meals, reduces our food bill and results in less food waste so it’s an all-round better option but […] Read more…