
gym weights room for kickstarting weight loss

How To Kickstart Your Weight loss

Kickstarting weight loss can often be a hard first step, so here’s how to make it a little easier! Weight loss is hard, particularly when you are starting out, and for me, kickstarting when I had fallen off the food wagon was the most difficult. Kickstarting weight loss is about mentality and attitude as well […] Read more…

Hand Sewing Tips and Info

Even though I have some sewing experience (years of hubby’s socks, cycling jerseys, trousers and shirts can attest to that) I still consider myself a beginner in the art of the sewing. I don’t own a sewing machine and I swear my eyes are a bit wonky when it comes to straight lines so I […] Read more…

Getting rid of the litter trays

How To Get Rid Of Your Litter Trays

I have 4 cats (Yes we’ve established it’s a lot and it’s not crazy if I acknowledge it) and as you can imagine they can create a lot of mess and with a toddler playing on the floor the last thing I want to be questioning is “Is that chocolate or not?” because then I’ve […] Read more…