Let’s be real with each other for a moment. Bath time isn’t always the most enjoyable time of the day for children or parents. Children tend to fight bath time for many different reasons, and as parents, it’s up to us to try to figure out a way. Do they not like water? Do they […] Read more…
15 Ways to Make Your Child Smile Each and Every Day
Seeing your child smile is enough to make your entire day. Knowing that their smile came from something that you did to make them feel happy is an amazing feeling, one that we should strive for on a daily basis. Think about the last time that you got a smile from your child that you know […] Read more…
10 Money Lessons for Children Under 10
Teaching good financial habits to our children is important in life, which is why I’ve compiled these money lessons for children. In a child’s eyes, money is something that just suddenly “appears” or becomes visible instantly just by asking their parents for it. Wouldn’t it be nice if it worked that way for adults as […] Read more…
6 Useful Strategies to Keep a Clean Home with Kids and Pets
I can’t seem to achieve a clean home with both kids and pets! I feel like it’s just a fact of life at this point. But, I still relentlessly try to keep it presentable for the rest of the world! So, when Jenny contacted me about offering a few tips to you all (and myself) […] Read more…
Using Chore Charts For Kids (+ Free Printable)
For us, chore charts for kids really help. I am a firm believer in giving chores from an early age. Not just because I want to instill a work ethic in my children but because in my opinion, if you make a mess, physically or in life, you should clean it up. Does that mean […] Read more…
10 Books to Read to Your Child Before Bedtime
I’ve talked about how to encourage toddler reading before…(read that here.) It’s something we thoroughly enjoy as a family and luckily it’s fostered a love of reading in our eldest! It’s all about quality time and it’s such an important part to help them grow and learn. Hearing the words, listening to them being used […] Read more…
Exercises to Avoid with Postpartum Diastasis Recti
We are looking at the ab killer for new mums, diastasis recti Congratulations! You have your little bundle of joy (this could be recent, a few months or even years ago) and you’re loving being a mummy. The one thing that you may now be feeling is that when you look in the mirror all […] Read more…
Setting Priorities as a Parent
Recently my husband and I had an argument (I know it happens) but actually, although I hate to admit it, he’s right (it had to happen some time!) It had something to do with setting priorities as a parent. As a rule I like to be busy and take on a lot of commitments – […] Read more…
Parent Party Planning For A 6 Year Old
Parent party planning, how not to do it, plus some things I actually learned, tips, tricks and ideas for the future. There are certain moments in your life that you realise you are out of your depth. This is one of them. Unfortunately I am not an event planner, otherwise, this post would be irrelevant […] Read more…
Protect Children With NSPCC’s Pantosaurus #TalkPANTS
Introducing the Pantosaurus, NSPCC’s way of teaching children the “underwear rule” Some parts of parenting can be difficult and now he’s 6 years old it’s time to have certain conversations with my son that honestly I am not prepared for. Protecting children from abuse is obviously important and one of the ways to do this is […] Read more…