
Spanish Numbers Connect Four

Spanish Numbers Connect Four (Free Printable Kids Activity)

Hola! Learning Spanish numbers can be made fun when you do it the Connect Four way! Unlike the traditional Connect Four game though, this version is a board game with a Spanish twist. What you need for this game are: 2 Pieces of dice 1 Game board 1 Set of colored tokens for each player […] Read more…

30-Day Lego Building Challenge Printable

Lego Building Kids Activity for 30 Days (+Free Printable)

Kids get bored easily, and what better way to entertain them than using LEGO pieces! Building different things using LEGO blocks greatly helps in the development of our children, so it is a fun and educational activity for kids to pass the time. Benefits of LEGO building on kids It’s not very difficult to convince […] Read more…

how to teach kids to be environmentally conscious feature image

How To Teach Your Kids to Be Environmentally Conscious

Since moving we have had to become more environmentally conscious We have less rubbish bins (we moved from a communal flat bin shed) to our own teeny tiny bin so we have been taking recycling more seriously! That being said, I have to admit up until now it wasn’t something we were particularly good at […] Read more…

Toddler reading can be a painful experience as they are learning but it is the foundation of learning so here are some ways to make it bearable and fun.

Encouraging Toddler Reading

We are bookworms in this house, we love reading and we are trying to encourage the 4-year-old to do some toddler reading of his own. Since starting school, one of their main focuses is to teach reading as it is a precursor to academic learning and they are using Phonics to do it and it […] Read more…

3 Step Process For Teaching Toddlers - Guest Post by Lindsey From The Little Mommy

3 Step Process For Teaching Toddlers

After getting to know Lindsey from The Little Mommy we realised we were mummy doppelgangers on opposite sides of the world! Both studying, both younger parents and with toddlers of a similar age, it’s spooky! SOooo… obviously we decided to do a collaboration! I wrote a post called 6 Ways To Lose The Weight For Good which […] Read more…