Our bodies become susceptible to common infections as temperatures drop. It is not unheard of that a neighbour or an officemate caught the flu or at least has a runny nose because the low temperature naturally triggers our bodies to slow down to conserve more energy and heat. But it likewise encourages the proliferation and […] Read more…
20-Minute Beginner HIIT Workout
This 20 minute (ish) beginner HIIT workout is designed to fit in around your busy day whilst still getting the most out of your time. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) involves alternating short periods of hard effort with short periods of recovery. This form of exercise is great for burning calories in a short amount […] Read more…
15 Hacks From A Frugal Parent For Eating Healthy on a Budget
There is nothing worse than starting a new diet or finding a new healthy recipe only to find that it needs extra special fruit and veg flown in on a private jet and therefore will cost you more than going out for dinner! Ok a slight exaggeration, BUT that is basically the case. So here […] Read more…
1 Week Booty Bootcamp Intensive Workout Routine
Don’t worry it is not as weird as it sounds! This week’s worth of exercises is a great way to kickstart the sculpting of your bottom, hips, thighs and legs *i’m also going to throw in some lower back strengthening too because maintenance is important.* The point of this bootcamp is to give you the […] Read more…
Beginner Simple Stretching Routine
Stretching is important – everyone knows this, but not everyone realises that you can promote healing, WHY it is important or how it benefits your body to do a stretching routine. That’s where I come in. I have created a routine that combines yoga moves and dynamic stretches for a full stretching session that is […] Read more…
6 Common Fitness Mistakes that Beginners Make
Starting a fitness journey is certainly exciting! With brand-new skills to learn, sports to enjoy, and goals to achieve, it’s perfectly understandable to be enthusiastic! Before taking the first step, however, it’s important to ensure you avoid the common fitness mistakes that can newbies commit when pursuing a fitness routine. In this article, we’ll explore six […] Read more…
5 Reasons You Need A Workout Plan
While it is true that any type of physical exercise is better than no exercise at all, it is also true that following a workout schedule can become a deciding factor in your toning up or weight loss success recipe. Hopping on the cardio machine for a couple of minutes, trying out all the available […] Read more…
Family Workout: Getting the Kids Involved
Encouraging your children to exercise not only sets a good example for the future but also helps you to get your workout in whilst bonding with your kids (multi-tasking!). Family workout promotes a healthy lifestyle and is a great first step for getting your kids involved in exercise and YES, you can still get a […] Read more…
Beat The New Year Bloating & Get Back on Track
Let’s beat New Year Bloating together! I’m not afraid to say, I ate a ton over Christmas and New Year. Most of it unhealthy, although I did throw a few fruit and vegetables in there. When Victoria (who has guest posted on TMT before) approached me with this article, I snapped up the opportunity to […] Read more…
Top 4 No-Equipment Arm Exercises
Arm exercises are the ones I hate the least! I don’t know why but I have very little upper body strength and so it is always a chore to work them out! I think because I use my arms every day, I just assumed they would take care of themselves, but shockingly this is not […] Read more…