I was really surprised by how much lego costs these days! And with two kids who like the stuff, I don’t want to purchase a second mortgage for sets! So, with that in mind, here are 20 Lego sets under $20! These Lego sets are perfect gift ideas for kids and kids at heart that […] Read more…
How To Choose Unique Gifts For Christmas
*Sponsored Post* Unique gifts are important to show people you care, particularly for your friends and loved ones! I love buying special presents and I try to do something unique and different because I think an element of surprise is what makes gift giving fun (for everyone.) With Christmas coming up I thought it was time […] Read more…
20 Must-Have Star Wars Kitchen Items
Star Wars kitchen items seem to be the only thing we can agree on at the moment! We are currently renovating our new home after the move and in doing so we are coming up with the usual themes, colours and ideas for each room! When it comes to the kitchen however, we can’t seem to […] Read more…
25 Last Minute Geeky Gift Guide Ideas
Stuck for things to buy the geek in your life? Luckily I have got you covered with this last minute geeky gift guide! Something you may not know about our family is that as well as Disney (see our Disney Gift Wishlist for adults here), we love a bit of sci-fi and fantasy, after all […] Read more…
Disney Holiday Wishlist for Adults
So, I am an adult (sort of) and I am also a lover of Disney! I am a 90’s kid with unrealistic expectations of life, I have a mermaid blanket, an Alice in wonderland pocket watch and a ton of Disney clothes it’s borderline embarrassing (not for me but apparently others! :p) So I decided […] Read more…
Fun Holiday Ideas That Are Beneficial for Your Kids
Amy approached me asking if she could share her insight on holiday gifts and ideas that are also beneficial to your kids so how could I refuse! this is a great post for all you parents who don’t just want to buy video games this Christmas! These ideas are also really frugal for those who […] Read more…