Aside from being fit enough to keep up with your player you need to learn how to “actively defend” against the opposing player to disrupt the other teams’ attacking strategies. Creating effective defence can be difficult during a game because you have to adapt as your opposition starts to identify your plans, therefore you need […] Read more…
6 Common Fitness Mistakes that Beginners Make
Starting a fitness journey is certainly exciting! With brand-new skills to learn, sports to enjoy, and goals to achieve, it’s perfectly understandable to be enthusiastic! Before taking the first step, however, it’s important to ensure you avoid the common fitness mistakes that can newbies commit when pursuing a fitness routine. In this article, we’ll explore six […] Read more…
7 Tips for Exercising Couples
Working out is good for your health, but what makes it a lot better is working out with your significant other: the one that you wake up to each morning, eat with, and sleep with. They give you that extra boost and motivation to reach your fitness goals. Having a gym partner you genuinely enjoy […] Read more…
6 Tips on Finding the Right Fitness Class for You
What is fitness? When we talk about fitness, we don’t only refer to being physically fit or having toned muscles and abs. The mental state of a person is also included in fitness. When a person looks fit but is mentally troubled, that person still won’t be able to properly function. And the only way […] Read more…
Five Reasons You’re Skipping The Gym – And How To Stop!
Have you been skipping the gym? When you don’t want to do something, it’s easy to find a thousand excuses to skip the task you’re dreading and spend your time on other things. However, if that thing you’re skipping is the gym, you’re doing yourself a huge disservice. Physical exercise is necessary for personal fitness, […] Read more…
Exercises to Avoid with Postpartum Diastasis Recti
We are looking at the ab killer for new mums, diastasis recti Congratulations! You have your little bundle of joy (this could be recent, a few months or even years ago) and you’re loving being a mummy. The one thing that you may now be feeling is that when you look in the mirror all […] Read more…
Free Fitness Tracker Printables (Digital or Printable)
I thought it was high time I bought the big guns out and created some fantastic fitness tracker printables for you all! As you know I have a Freebies section where I have some fitness related printables such as: Adult & Child ICE Emergency Cards BMR Calculations Walk/Running Regimes But these are highly specific and I […] Read more…
Home Workout HIIT For Budget-Friendly Fitness
A home workout can make my day sooo much better so here are a few of my favourites. If, like me, you work from home or are a stay at home mum, it can be tough to find the time to get away and get a proper workout. Although I now have a gym close by, […] Read more…
How To Stay Fit When Travelling
Travelling doesn’t have to mean the end of your fitness goals! I understand the issues and constraints of traveling and staying fit at the same time but I am definitely not an authority on the subject. Although when I go on holiday I like to workout traveling further distances can cause more problems with fitness and […] Read more…
How To Exercise At A Local Park
Just because you are taking your kids to the local park doesn’t mean you can’t use it to exercise! *This post contains affiliate links, find out more about our Affiliate policy here. It’s important to mix things up a bit and use what you have in front of you because when exercising outdoors you can […] Read more…