Let’s be honest all I want to do is stuff my face all day everyday! and since I don’t have the metabolism for that (I have tried I swear) I have to enable myself in other ways! I have to say I have been eating healthier recently and I did a great round-up of Healthy […] Read more…
Gina’s Nabe: Hot Pot Soup
Winter is upon us! and I am feeling constantly cold this season. This recipe is just what the doctor ordered to get you all warm from the inside! I am really into discovering recipes right now so It was SO great that Gina was willing to share this one! it is Gina’s take on a Japanese […] Read more…
Meals in the life of a vegan US college student
In the spirit of collaboration, I have gotten to know Jules; a great, vegan US college student who lives an incredibly different life from mine. Here is how she navigates eating as a vegan at college in a time where healthy eating is hard to come by – especially at college! She has been a […] Read more…
Cute Kitty Blogs You HAVE To Read!
Hello cat lovers! Yes I mean you (you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t) :p Yes I love looking at cat pictures on the internet, yes I love reading all the happy stories! and you should too – it would definitely brighten any dreary Monday! Here are my favourite, cute and useful blogs and websites all […] Read more…