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Parenting is HARD and it is something everyone loves to discuss but I like the idea of positive parenting.
I’ve seen Twitter wars over what’s wrong or right for your kids and keyboard warrior mum and dads telling people that their way is best and getting very defensive, (and opinionated) when telling you why. While I definitely have my own opinion on certain things and choose to parent or set certain rules, I am a firm believer in that every family is different and that every child is different so I’m not going to stick my nose in to what you’re doing (as long as you don’t start criticising mine!), but I am the first to admit that I’m certainly no expert! I am just trying to survive motherhood since 2012 and sharing my triumphs and failures along the way!
There are many defiitions of positive parenting but to clarify, for me positive parenting is doing what is best for you and your family and trying to figure that out for yourselves by focusing on each other and getting to know one another. That is not to say I don’t agree with punishments or consequences but I am talking about our attitudes as parents more than anything else.
That being said, I wanted to share some positive parenting styles out there and some great accounts that cheer me up across the internet to counteract all the negativity out there!!
Josh Rossi & His Daughter’s Wonder Woman Series
This has to be one of the coolest dads I’ve seen online. He is a digital artist who decided to take some really creative pictures of his daughter as Wonder Woman, which has since gone viral. I love his take on being a dad – using his skills to turn her cuteness into a style we all love and it’s a great role model for kids too to teach little girls that you can be kickass too! Here’s a bit more info on the process it took and an interview with them both:
The Competitiveness Of Parents & What We Have In Common
I love this video by Similac, a baby formula making company and it had me smiling. There is a lot of truth in the amount of competitiveness we as parents have, in all areas of parenting, yet it also touches on the fact that ultimately, we are all good parents and that however we choose to parent is good enough. “No matter what our beliefs, we are parents first.”
Positive Discipline
Parents magazine has a very interesting video on the differences between positive and negative discipline, the consequences of each, as well as 8 Positive Discipline facts we can note and learn from and believes that raising children with positive discipline will result in children with high self-esteem, while keeping boundaries in place and that sounds good to me.
Sarcasm & Humor Parenting
Sometimes it is all we have to get us through the dark days and one of my favorite go to Facebook pages is Scary Mommy which has me laughing every day. Her slogan is A Parenting Community for imperfect parents which sums me up perfectly! With a range of articles on relatable parenting topics – the hardships, irritations, insecurities and victories it definitely molds us into better parents, and the stories we relate to along the way are sure to keep us laughing, if we are all vulnerable enough to share them with each other! You should also check out this blog post on judgment too because it perfectly sums up the point of this post!
Honest Parenting
Mark Julianelle, owner of Dad & Buried, has a humorous outlook on everything to do with parenting. After a few blog post reads like this “We’re all in this together” article featured on Huffington Post, you appreciate his honesty and humor, and want to yell “ME TOO!” In the long run, we are all going through the same parenting stuff, and we are all doing just fine as parents! A small blog which is brutally honest, and funny too!
On Being Your Child’s Parent, Not Friend
This lady is hilarious, her honest take on parenting will have you in stitches and I definitely feel where she is coming from. She touches on so many topics, from being strict, to not giving in to your children’s every desire, to getting friends your own age {all told while eating ice cream and drinking wine which are my two fav’s} – a really funny honest take on being a parent.
Reminders of how naive we once were
Every parent starts off with the best intentions but let’s be honest, how many of us have followed through entirely on all our “when the baby comes” plans? We definitely have’nt, we had sandwiches for dinner the other day! This expectations Vs reality video is one of my favorites.
That helpful advice
I know it is done with the best of intentions but how crappy is some of the parenting advice we get! I love this funny video that is so realistic and pokes a bit of fun at all the loving advice we parents get!
and if you love that (like I did, here’s part 2!!
Ultimately, being a parent is hard work, but I think what we can all agree on is that we all have different personalities, different children and different circumstances. We are all doing our best, in our own ways and in our own circumstances, to be the best parents to our children that we can be! There are many different parenting styles out there to help us grow and learn as parents, but at the end of the day, just do you and that’s enough!
Who’s your favorite positive parent? Are you subscribed to any pages or channels I should check out?
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44 comments on “8 Examples Of Positive Parenting Styles Online”
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Oooo so many great positive parenting examples!!! I really should apply some of these to my parenting methods
These are all such great examples of positive parenting. I think I need to implement a little more of this into my style.
These are some great examples! I specifically like the Wonder Woman series because it helps with self-worth, and the “I’m not your friend, kid.” because it’s the truth.
I tried to be a good mom!In some cases my parents are my example 🙂
One of the biggest things I’ve had to work on this year is picking my battles. Especially when my spouse travels for work. I’ve had to pick battles with the kids!
Wow, love this. Amazing examples of positive parenting style. Absolutely inspirational for any parent with a growth mindset, trying to evolve their parenting style, getting better at it everyday 🙂
I don’t look to anyone as examples besides my own mom. I try to be a positive parent and a good role model but it can be hard.
My favorite positive parent is my mom. She is always looking at the good side of things, even if I can’t see it at the time.
I love the pictures of the little girl as wonderwoman it is adorable. And all those videos are great 🙂 I think the advice one might be my favourite
I always like seeing different ways that people “parent” which is why I like reading parenting blogs and the like. But I never judge them for that because I think we all develop our own styles eventually. We do what works for our family and our kids.
I absolutely adored that Wonder Woman photo shoot! I loved how the Dad was focused on making his little girl feel like a powerful hero. It embodies so much courage and strength which I feel like are qualities we should always encourage in the little ones.
That literally looks like the cutest kid ever and that dad is super cool transforming her into Wonder Woman. Its important to embrace different parenting styles.
I think positive parenting and discipline is so so important. I also love the ‘I’m not your friend’ video 🙂
I love this post, I have to agree that the wonder woman one is my favorite, but each slip makes it’s own great points!
Haha I love this! I’ve had this type of conversations and this would be fun to share with her!
I haven’t watched any parents videos only because I am not a parent. But, these videos really made me laugh and get enlightened on what it is like to be a parent. I think it is great that moms, parents, dads, and guardians have come up with such information and entertaining videos!
Isaly Holland |
I can truly use these examples. Lately, I have been so overwhelmed with parenting, that I don’t think my parenting style has been very positive!
Being a parent is the toughest job, and I personally think it can’t be measured with just 8 parenting styles. Every parents exercise its own and unique parenting, and its had to tell which style are the best. You can only tell when you see their child per se.
This is a fun post. So many opinions it makes you want to pull your hair out.
My heart goes out to anyone trying to parent their children today… there’s so much mommy-shaming and competition. IT’s great to see positive parenting examples out there!
YAY I love seeing great examples of positive parenting. Kids respond so much better this way and its great to see some parents who are rocking the parenting game!
I loved that Similac video! It seems like there is always some sort of parenting wars going on, and it makes me sad. I think that whatever path we take, we are all just trying to do the best for our family, and isn’t that the most important thing?
Great suggestions! I’m not a parent, but if I were, I would refer to this guide as a useful tool for parenting!
Beth ||
I live at being realistic. Being calm and brief is the initially response, lol.
I don’t subscribe to any of these but now I’m about to.
This was actually a really fun post to read. As a Mom Blogger, this post is perfect for me. I love it. Thanks for sharing.
This made me laugh but it’s so true! There are so many different ways to parent and most of them are correct, we as moms need to be easier on other moms too!
I love the video about being your child’s parent and not their friend. The mom seems so relatable and funny, and she makes a really good point.
Great post! I had no idea about some of these channels.Thanks for sharing!
I don’t have any kids of my own yet, sadly… but when I do, of course I will try to employ positive parenting tactics. I taught for many years and I loved Love and Logic tactics.
I’ve seen the one with the lady eating ice cream and loved it! Excited to see the rest of these.
I’m not a parent but video by Similac, seriously made my eyes tear up. Parenting is so tough and no matter how it’s done it’s awesome what each parent has to accomplish in a day. As the wonder woman one, totally awesome!
It’s amazing how many ways there are to parent even for kids in the same family but I love what the one commercial said – Most of us are just trying to do the best we can!
I have sent the ‘best parenting video’ and the ‘i am not your friend’ and I liked them both. I am not yet a parent so I tend not to give opinions on something I have not lived myself.
I thought the Parents magazine video was interesting. There’s a huge difference between “beating” (obviously negative) an child and spanking him/her. Sometimes a pop on the behind is what a child needs to “bring him back”. Of course love & balance is needed with any kind of discipline.
There are so many ways to parent to provide your own unique individual child what they need. Both of my girls were complete opposites when it came to parenting.
I love all of these examples that you’ve featured, especially the “On Being Your Child’s Parent, Not Friend” video. This is so true!
I totally watched that one video with the mom who isnt their kids friend and was laughing so hard! Its so clever – and her point of view is creative and fun!
I know I did not follow through on my when the baby comes plans. After 22 years of parenting I still come across unique situations. My youngest is 14 and I have found that each of my four kids are different. One of the best things I have learned throughout the years is to pick my battles. Parenting became a little bit easier once I did that.
Wow those pictures of his daughter as wonder woman are amazing! He’s really talented.
Being a mom is defintely hard work. Then having to hear what other’s think on social media is another thing. These videos definitely give others an idea.
That just goes to show you that not one specific way of parenting is the right way of parenting! I don’t know what kind of parent I’ll be, but I’m excited to find out! 🙂
These all definitely touch me in different ways, But I love the Wonder Woman girl. Building up a young girls self worth and understanding of her strength is important. I also like the perspective of positive disciplining.
Your examples made me giggle, but they are all so true!!! As parents, there are a ton of ways to parent, none that are right or wrong.. just what is right for your family. The world would be a much happier place if everyone stopped comparing and competing.
That Wonder Woman picture is awesome! I try to be a positive parent but I admit, I yell. It is what it is. But I always tell my kids that I love them!