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low fat strawberry and peach sorbetSorbet is a diverse and low-fat alternative to ice-cream which makes it the perfect dessert if you are on a diet or watching what you eat. The fruit adds some natural sugar and also contributes towards your 5 a day. As a light dessert it is also perfect if you are an evening runner (I run a lot after dinner and this is a great snack/pudding to see me through until breakfast) and stops me reaching for the biscuit tin!

As it is also one of my husband’s favorites we like to experiment with different flavors and fruit juices (careful with the juice quantities as the excess sugar will turn them unhealthy – 70-100ml is fine)

Here are some variations you might like to try;

You can also experiment by adding alcohol to the mixture to make adult frozen cocktail sorbets these however are not low fat – sorry guys! : )

This new variation we have recently discovered is a strawberry and peach swirl sorbet and it is a little bit fancy looking so it could be served with guests if you choose. Here’s how to make it..


140g strawberries

2 peaches (cut into pieces)

250ml cold water

50g Icing Sugar

2 Egg Whites


*The idea is to make two separate batches and combine them at the end
– in a similar way you would to a marble cake*

Blend together the strawberries and 150ml cold water

Blending the Strawberries and water


Whip 1 egg white in a separate bowl until it forms light (but still stiff peaks)

The egg should look like this once whisked
The egg should look like this once whisked


Whisk both of the mixtures together with 25g of icing sugar until completely mixed (it should look a little bubbly)

In a separate container blend the peach pieces and the other 100ml of cold water

Whip the other egg white in a separate bowl

Add the mixtures together with the remaining icing sugar and whisk.

*You will now have two separate mixtures*

Strawberry Mixture
Strawberry Mixture
Peach Mixture
Peach Mixture

Alternate spoonful’s of each mixture (you can put one on top of the other or experiment by pouring) into a deep container until all the mixture is together

Using a thin stick (I use a pen/pencil) gently swirl the mixture together so that they combine but do not mix (be wary here – it is better to under do it than overdo it) to create the marbled effect.

Marbled Effect - Pre Freezing
Marbled Effect – Pre Freezing


Place in the freezer overnight (or at least 4 hours – to reduce freezing time put the mixture in a shallow container)

Serve with fruit or on it’s own for a great (and guilt free) dessert

Final pic

If you are looking for ideas on how to use up the leftover yolks why not visit my page of my favourite egg yolk recipes 🙂

I linkied this post with:

Mummy and Monkeys

Tasty Tuesdays on

Laura's Lovely Blog

20 comments on “Low-Fat Strawberry & Peach Sorbet”

  1. Wow this looks delicious!! I’m lactose intolerant so I’m always looking for ice cream alternatives. Thanks for joining in with #memyselfandi look forward to seeing you again soon

  2. This looks like a tasty recipe and it looks fun to make. Something I could do with my daughter too! thanks for sharing! #memyselfandi

    Angela from daysinbed 🙂

  3. Looks amazing! I am always on the look out for low fat alternatives to ice cream/cakes. Will give this a go, thanks for sharing. #anythinggoes

  4. Wow, this sounds really good and not even one to feel guilty about! I would be very tempted to add a vodka or two though lol 🙂
    Thanks for linking up to #AnythingGoes

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