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This is Classic French Recipe for all the family to enjoy – Careful they are moreish (you have been warned).
Langues de chat or cat tongues are a type of French cookie. They aren’t much to look at but are a great on the go or lunchbox sweet that are crispy on the outside and soft and spongy in the middle.
They are soooo easy to make (notice the o’s … that’s how easy)
Equal parts of each – (in case you want to scale up or down)
Caster sugar
Self raising flour
1 Egg
- Pre-heat oven to 220 degrees
- Beat together the sugar and butter
- Beat in egg
- Gently fold in flour
- Allow the mixture to stand for a minute and go a bit “stodgy” (makes it easier to pipe)
- Liberally grease a tray – I used greaseproof paper because I am lazy :p
- Use a piping bag to make small “blobs” evenly spaced
*Note: Don’t worry if they aren’t perfect they will even out just make sure they are in small amounts because they expand*
Pop In the oven for 5-10 minutes until the edges are a golden colour
Place on a wire rack to cool
*Note: This Recipe has been adapted from the one in my cookery book “1001 cupcakes, cookies & other tempting treats”*