Foam rolling is not just for the elite athlete anymore it is for you and me! and I have found it very beneficial, especially as a runner when I am in training for an event and doing more mileage. If you’re a beginner runner or have only just started, you should know that waking […] Read more…
I thought I would post the BMR calculation here because it was a helpful tool (for me) when I was trying to determine how much I should be eating specifically to my age, height etc. Before I do though there are a few things to say: 250 calories from a Mars bar is not the […] Read more…
Running Disclaimer
I wanted to add a disclaimer to my running category because I am not an expert! I have learned a lot about myself and about running (and continue to learn). BUT (and it’s a biggie) I am constantly trying new things and adapting them which means that it might not be right for YOU – LISTEN […] Read more…
Herb Uses, Safety & Storage
Like I said on the scrubs-basics post, herbs can be a bit tricky to use properly, I’ve combined what I feel is the relevant information for using herbs yourself – if you feel I’ve missed anything key then drop me a comment 🙂 Origins Be wary of where you buy dried herbs them from (always […] Read more…
Nettle Tea Recipe
Ok, so this sounds weird but you know those stinging nettles that are a nightmare when you are out walking? yes those! you can drink them, well at least turn them into tea. NOT RAW – that would be a disaster and very painful. BUT if you boil them properly you can make a tasty […] Read more…
Netball Warm-up Routine
A netball warm-up routine is SOOOOO important (notice the capitals) because an injury can cause major issues for the team. So here’s how to make sure everyone gets a good warm-up! To Start Your Netball Warm-Up Routine Get warm by starting a relaxed jog around the court. This is a great way to loosen up […] Read more…