
What’s a scrub, how to I make one? How do I gift one? it’s all here

Orange and Lime Body scrub

This scrub recipe is fantastic for achy muscles. It uses olive oil as a base because when using two fragrances the coconut smell in coconut oil interferes (obviously if coconut is one of the smells then that’s fine). If you want more information about where to start with making your own homemade scrubs then visit the […] Read more…

Winter snow feature image

Winter Snow Body Scrub +FREE GIFT LABELS

Looks like snow, smells like peppermint… Amy at The idea room was the inspiration behind this scrub and I adapted her recipe  to make this the perfect winter themed gift or stocking filler (they go pretty cute in gift baskets too…) Ingredients 200g Granulated Sugar 60g liquid coconut oil *this gives it the snowy texture – […] Read more…

Scrubs – The Basics

I don’t Want no scrubs…Oh wait So Pinterest, (love it) is full of amazing scrub recipes (which I have tried a lot of why not see my Winter Snow Body Scrub or Sweet Orange Body Scrub with free printable labels!) But here is where I wanted to talk about scrub basics: Realistically the more organic […] Read more…