What is fitness? When we talk about fitness, we don’t only refer to being physically fit or having toned muscles and abs. The mental state of a person is also included in fitness. When a person looks fit but is mentally troubled, that person still won’t be able to properly function. And the only way […] Read more…
6 Ways for Asthmatic People to Combat Congestion During Winter
Asthma affects a lot of people and can be set off by even the smallest triggers. People with the chronic condition usually avoid the triggers to avoid any flare-ups. But one particular trigger that they can’t avoid is the drop in temperature when cold seasons start. This is even more pronounced during the winter where […] Read more…
Five Reasons You’re Skipping The Gym – And How To Stop!
Have you been skipping the gym? When you don’t want to do something, it’s easy to find a thousand excuses to skip the task you’re dreading and spend your time on other things. However, if that thing you’re skipping is the gym, you’re doing yourself a huge disservice. Physical exercise is necessary for personal fitness, […] Read more…
Get Your New Year’s Resolution On Track With This Weekly Schedule
New Year, New Me Right? Oh wait, it’s February and… I forgot? Chances are, New Year’s resolutions have slipped firmly out of your mind, whether you have given up altogether or decided to take a break for now. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! 80% of us will have slipped back into our old routine, and […] Read more…
Beat The New Year Bloating & Get Back on Track
Let’s beat New Year Bloating together! I’m not afraid to say, I ate a ton over Christmas and New Year. Most of it unhealthy, although I did throw a few fruit and vegetables in there. When Victoria (who has guest posted on TMT before) approached me with this article, I snapped up the opportunity to […] Read more…
5 Natural Home Remedies to Improve Your Sleep & Health
*Guest Post* A Bit About Derek: Derek Lotts is a regular contributor to Smooth Decorator and writes about décor, gardening, recycling, ecology and everything related to home improvement. He thinks all of these topics fall under the self-improvement category. He believes in the power of sharing ideas and communicating via the internet to achieve betterment. […] Read more…
10 Tips to Stop Your Knee Popping and Cracking
We’ve all heard the old wive’s tale “cracking your joints leads to arthritis” and while this was debunked, joint cracking and popping can’t cause it, it can be an indicator that there is something wrong. Don’t ignore the health of your joints, particularly those that you are going to need in the future so take […] Read more…
Free Fitness Tracker Printables (Digital or Printable)
I thought it was high time I bought the big guns out and created some fantastic fitness tracker printables for you all! As you know I have a Freebies section where I have some fitness related printables such as: Adult & Child ICE Emergency Cards BMR Calculations Walk/Running Regimes But these are highly specific and I […] Read more…
Home Workout HIIT For Budget-Friendly Fitness
A home workout can make my day sooo much better so here are a few of my favourites. If, like me, you work from home or are a stay at home mum, it can be tough to find the time to get away and get a proper workout. Although I now have a gym close by, […] Read more…
10 Places To Find Fitness Motivation
Fitness Motivation can be a big issue for me and I have found several places to turn to when I need to perk myself up again! When I see my friends going to the gym, going for a run or just getting their exercise in and it seems so effortless for them it makes me […] Read more…